PEController BSP v4
Board Support Package for PEController from Taraz Technologies
No Matches

Contains the declaration and procedures for different transformations. More...


 Type Definitions

Detailed Description

Following is the list of available transformations

  1. Clarke Transformation: Transform_abc_alBe0() with source = SRC_ABC
  2. Inverse Clarke Transformation: Transform_abc_alBe0() with source = SRC_ALBE0
  3. Park Transformation: Transform_alphaBeta0_dq0() with source = SRC_ALBE0
  4. Inverse Park Transformation: Transform_alphaBeta0_dq0() with source = SRC_DQ0
  5. Clarke + Park Transformation: Transform_abc_dq0() with source = SRC_ABC
  6. Inverse Clarke + Inverse Park Transformation: Transform_abc_dq0() with source = SRC_DQ0
  7. Theta to Trigonometric Values: Transform_wt_sincos()
  8. Theta to 0 - 2pi Range: Transform_Theta_0to2pi()
  9. Theta Shift to 0 - 2pi Range: ShiftTheta_0to2pi()